Sunday 13 February 2011

Project 100-Questionnaire development

Below are pieces of info graphics that i started, and then i think did not visually work.

Here i was looking at portraying every chocolate bar, that was included in the questionnaire, the bigger the triangle the more people chose that particular chocolate, however to include all the chocolates over complicate the piece. I did get the idea for using the basic wrapper colours from this diagram however.

This is a piece that i did not develop very far at all, each rectangle coming off the sphere was representative of one person, and the colours represented the chocolate it was. in many way i wish i had completed this pieces, as individually it was visually strong, however what i wanted to through out all the info graphics i did, is keep a visual constancy, and this concept didn't work through out.

This was looking at using the chocolate wrappers themselves, showing how many people chose each chocolate, by filling a page, however i abandoned this early, as i did not liked what it looked like.

Below are some of the design sheets used for this stage in my project.

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