Saturday 12 February 2011

Project 100-New Direction

I have decided to change by project title from 100 toilets to 100 chocolate bars. Reasons being chocolate is a broader topic, in which research is more readily available. 

Research proposal

My subject is... 100 chocolate bars 

I am going to collect/record/document?
photos, opinions, facts
Possible categories will include?
type of chocolate, band, wrappers, organic,manufacturing

How will i research? 
primary methods...
photos, questionnaires, taste
secondary methods...
internet, books.

Who,where,what will i research?
primary sources...
secondary sources...
books,internet, further statistics and info on manufacturing, 

What form and quantity will be produced?
primary material...
a lot of photos of chocolate, as well as stats which will be turned into info graphics. 
Secondary  materials... 
this will be largely be internet based work all put on the blog.

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