Saturday 12 February 2011

Project 100-Initial Research


Basic information

·      A chocolate bar is a confection in bar form comprising some or all of the following components: cocoa solids, cocoa butter, sugar, milk.
·      The presence or absence of certain measurements of these ingredients creates dark, milk and white chocolate.
·      May contain emulsifiers such as soy lecithin and flavors such as vanilla.
·      In America is called candy bar. Everywhere is chocolate bar
·      Confectionary
·      Normally in a log format package.
·      There are a large variety of fillings in chocolate bars.
·      Certain brands of chocolate bars are sold as nutritional supplements. These brands contain protein and various vitamins while still reaming sweet.


·      Up to the 19th century chocolate was typically sold by weight.
·      Loose in small pieces.
·      Chocolate was originally just used for cooking and making beverages.
·      As a result of chocolate being eaten by itself, everything chocolate covered became known as chocolate.
·      In 1847, the fry’s chocolate factory, located in union street, Bristol. Molded the first ever-chocolate bar.
·      The firm began producing frys chocolate cream bars in 1866
·      Over 220 products were introduced in the following decades.
·      First chocolate Easter egg 1873
·      Turkish delight 1914
·      20th century saw a rapid increase in the growth of the confectionaries market.
·      The first wrapped chocolate bar was produced by Hershey in 1900.
·      The price of a choc bar in the us was 10 cent until 1960.
·      The price of  a chocolate bar in uk is around a quid.


·      Cadbury plc
·      Charles Chocolates
·      Dolfin Candy
·      Ferrero SpA
·      Ganong Bros. Limited
·      Goetze's Candy Company
·      Goldberg Candy Company
·      Golden Boronia
·      Gandour
·      Hansel Candy
·      Hershey Foods Corporation
·      Idaho Candy Company
·      Ion
·      Kraft Foods
·      Lake Champlain Chocolates
·      Loacker
·      Mars, Incorporated
·      Nestlé
·      Necco
·      Peter Paul Candy Manufacturing Company
·      Prestat
·      Ritter Sport
·      Sifer's Valomilk
·      Sulpice Chocolat
·      Sucre Sweet Boutique
·      Tootsie Roll Industries
·      World's Finest Chocolate
·      Wow Wee Maui Corp
·      Hershey and mars are the largest manufacturers in the world.
·      Other playas are cadburys kraft and lidt.
·      Mars, Incorporated, one of the largest privately owned U.S. corporations, is a worldwide manufacturer of confectionery and other food products with US$21 billion in annual sales in 2006. Mars is known for Mars Bar, as well as other confectionery such as Milky Way, M&M's, Twix, Skittles and Snickers.
·      Most famous fair trade brand is green and blacks.
·      The chocolate industry is a steadily growing, $50 billion-a-year worldwide business centered on the sale and consumption of chocolate. This industry is prevalent on five out of seven continents. Big Chocolate, as it is also called, is essentially an oligopoly between major international chocolate companies in Europe and the U.S. These U.S. companies such as Mars and Hershey’s alone generate $13 billion a year in chocolate sales and account for two thirds of U.S. manufacturers. However, Europe accounts for 45% of the world's chocolate revenue.


·      Produced from the theobroma cacao tree.
·      Cocao has been cultivated for three millennia in mexico. Central and south America.
·      Earliest documentation is 1100bc.
·      The Aztecs were making chocolate drinks.
·      Cocao tree seeds have a butter taste and must be fermented.
·      After fementation the beans are roasted and the shell is removed to produce nibs.
·      The nibs are thn ground to coco mass, pure chocolate.
·      Unsweetened chocolate is cooking chocolate.
·      Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk.
·      White chocolate contains coco butter, sugar and milk and no coco solids.


·      Cocoa or dark chocolate may positively affect the circulatory system.
·      Anticancer
·      Brain stimulator
·      Cough preventor
·      Antidiarrhoeal
·      Aphrodisiac?
·      Obesity
·      Slight concern of mild lead poising, as chocolate in takes the lead when it is produced.
·      Toxic is toxic to many animals because of insufficient capacity to metabolize theobromine.
·      A study reported by the BBC indicated that melting chocolate in one's mouth produced an increase in brain activity and heart rate that was more intense than that associated with passionate kissing, and also lasted four times as long after the activity had ended.


·      Roughly two thirds of the wrolds entire cocoa in produced in western Africa.
·      43% in the ivory coast.
·      Where child labor is common place.
·      50 million people around the world rely on cocoa as a source of livelihood.
·      In the UK most chocolatiers purchase their chocolate from them.
·      Production costs can be decreased by reducing cocoa solid content or by substitution cocoa butter with another fat.
·      Two main jobs in the industry chocolatiers and chocolate makers.
·      Coca trees are small,understory trees that need rich,well drained soil.
·      The grow within 20 degrees of either side of the equator because they need about 2000milimeters of rainfall a year.
·      Cant tolerate temps lower than 15 degrees.
·      Three varieties used in chocolate. Criollo, foastero and trinitario.
·      Criollo is the most expensive.
·      Most common is the forastero.
·      Trinitario is natural hybrid of the other two.
·      The cocoa is cut from the tree using a machete
·      Then the beans with there surrounding pulp are removed from there pods and placed in piles or bins to ferment.
·      Fermentation is what gives chocolate its taste.
·      Important to harvest when they are ripe, otherwise they will have a low coco content.
·      After fermentation the beans are quickly dried to prevent from going moldy.
·      Then the beans are transported to a manufacturing facility.
·      Beans then cleaned roasted and graded.
·      Next shells are removed to extract nib. Nibs then grounded and liquefied.
·      This results in chocolate liquor.
·      Liquor is blended with cocoa butter in varying quantities to make different types.
·      Emulsifiers are added to reduce the amount of coca butter you need to use.
·      The finest dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa(both solids and butter)
·      Milk chocolate normally contains 50%.
·      White normally 35%.
·      the penultimate process is called conching.
·      A conche is a container filled with metal beads.
·      Which acts as grinders.
·      The refined and blended choclat mass is kept in a liquid state by frictional heat.
·      Prior to this the fixture Is not good, and is uneven.
·      High quality chocolate is conched for about 72 hours. Lesser grade for about 6 hours.
·      After the process is completed the chocolate mass is stored in tanks heated to approximately 45-50 degrees.  
·      The final process is called tempering. This causes the surface of the chocolate to appear mottled and matte. And causes chocolate to crumble rather than crack when broken.

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