Sunday 13 February 2011

Project 100-Developing a final idea.

The part of this project that has interested me most is looking at the way how the brands of chocolate that i have focused now my project to through the process of research, construct themselves in terms of the wrappers, what are the clues that give away there brand image? by looking at the packaging, typography colour, style, unique selling point? 

Iam going to looking at deconstructing these wrappers, and informing people of the tell tale signs that demonstrate how they want to be perceived as a brand. 

this idea is looking at the process of creating a book, printed on to asatate and would allow the user to construct the wrapper of the chocolate bar themselves, it would consist of information, with information on colour type,layout, imagery. and what these suggest about the brand? 
who would i be aiming this product at, people who are interested in branding itself, or people in the industry. extra information will include things like pantone swatches,materials used etc.

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