Thursday 19 January 2012

Type Task 1-didot.

For this task we have been asked to produce a page spread which highlights the differences in type anatomy between didot, which was my chosen typeface and times new roman. I was really focusing on the anatomy of each part of the letter form, and specifically  characteristics such as the transition of each letter effected the character. 

this is the first stage of the layout i wanted to give quite a modernist simplicity to the page. there is a large body of text, as a result its important to leave enough room for that. i used di to represent didot, some what an element on the periodic table. 

now the main body of text has been added you can begin to see how the layout will work, its going to be difficult to keep it minimal. as there is alot of text, i also need to include examples of the letter forms talked about with in the text.  It was difficult to get some of the spacing right between the columns of text, which are aligned from the left. i think i may need to make it more obvious that the typeface chosen is didot. 

here you can see the almost complete layout, i still need to the characters discussed in the body of text. which may well over complicate the final page, however it is a necessity. there could also be some alteration on the complete typeface. i have added didot twice more to highlight the typeface discussed. 

here is the complete layout, i like the way the circle interacts with the type and the white type within the circle his a focal point of the page. The slightly debatable letters arranged in the d are the only part i am unsure of. i also like the way as you go down the page. the thickness of lines used decreases. i think the layout works well and communicates accurately.

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