Monday 16 January 2012

Bounce Sequence 1

This is the first sequence i have chosen to do, purely as it is the most time consuming. It will incorporate over 50 layers.  It involves the of the word bounce acting like a ball... and shattering the word and then the fragments dropping of screen and reforming in a different frame. This is a lot to fit into the sequence and i will be aware of time. 

The first stage in the process is to fragment the word bounce into the sections it will break and re form in.  Each section of each letter needs to be put into its own layer, this will allow me to transform each section individually. I need to make sure that illustrator is on the film footage option, this needs to match up with how i set my after effects programme up. ***** show set up. 

Above is the process used to split up the the b and the n in the process. creating each section on each layer, as i explained this will allow me no manipulate each section. this is then saved as an illustrator file and then imported into after effects. 

This is an example of how to import the files from illustrator, i use the option  retain layer sizes this allows the bounding box to be small and each layer to be active. 

This demonstrates how the each layer is active as a result each section of the b is active. and as a result can me animated. 

This shows how the all the latter are imported, they are imported incomplete as a result you have to spend time putting them back together. You can see how the the o is used as a ball.. the will be revolving on its central point, this will allow the ball to have a more realistic effect as it travels across the frames. its crucial to get the curves on the ball correct to make it look realistic. 

The previous 3 images.. show how the ball will effect the letter forms and they break off.. this breaking is done by adding key frames to the image and moving them away from the frame, i will will also add key frames using, rotation. to add a more realistic fall. Its important i get the timing right, as this will effect how they re form. 

above is the key frames, just and example of what i have done for this process.The key is to get a consistent fall across the timeline, otherwise the movement, will be stuttered. 

key frames.

this is the point in which the ball leaves the frame. In the next section the the ball will re join the other letters to complete the word.

Above you can see how the complete process works, and the start of the next begins, all the sections of the letters have shattered, off the screen and the next stage is begin. there is no chance in typeface etc, just the addition of another element, which is the word production. Reforming the letters will have to be done accurately, not to allow inconsistencies. What is important is to line the words up again, this is done using rulers. 

due to the time constraint of the film being 5 seconds, the second half or the reformation of the word is done slightly quicker.. which does actually work, in the sense that a lot of the word would of already reformed, as of the time laps between the breaking of the first and last letters. The pt size will not be changed through out the process. 

you can see how i have used the position key frames to create almost like a suspension like effect on the letters when each section reforms. this adds a bounce to the word. 

example of key frames. 

this is the almost complete word. the b is the last letter to reform as it was the last to be broken.

the three images above is an example how the process of movement is complete its a simple line from the above, frames, that results in completing the letter form. here you can see the movement passed i added to created the bounce effect. i then add another key frame back to its complete position. 

gives you idea of the layers and the key frames. through out the process. what was most time consuming was the fact that key frames could not be copy and pasted between letters, as they were both different positions on the frame. as  result each letter has its own individual set of key frames. 

this shows the movement of the o acting like a ball bouncing in the right place to complete the word. 

this is the 6 key frames of the final image, i have added red to make the black lettering stand out and make the final outcome more visually appealing. 

this is just an example of the how i changed of the curves of the o to make it more realistic in flight.. i have also changed the speed of the o through out the process, to make it more realistic, for example when it hit another letter it will speed up.  

***final upload to come***

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