Monday 16 January 2012

Bounce Sequence 2

For this sequence i am looking i am looking at having the o as the focus point again, the o will basis for most the movement on the post. Although the other letters will also move. Unlike the previous clip each letter will be on its own layer instead of each letter having many fragments and as a result layers. which will make the process much more simple.

this is showing each letter on its own layer. it will be imported like this so each letter can be manipulated individually. 

this shows the amount of layers i will be working with in after effects. 

The first thing i did with in the clip is to scale up all of the letter bar the o using the key frames, this could be done all at the same time, which saved time. as each letter was already positioned correctly, this gave the image of the letters moving away from the screen in the moving clip, using scale can give the impression of a camera. 

this shows the identical key frames with regards to scale. 

this frame shows how the letters are scaling down simultaneously. this is down with out the o which will drop down from the top. It was important to keep the consistency of the letters on the timeline to create an effective outcome. 

the "productions" is now only becoming visible with the o not in the frame still.  

here you can see an effect used on the o as begins to drop down, its a Radial blur. this gives the impression of movement. 

As the bunce fixes to its position the o begins to drop down. 

here you can see the key frames used on the o there is a rotation key frame as well as the position changing to give the flight a realism. 

here you can see the flight of the o just before it settles to create the word bounce, i have tried to take into consideration pace of movement, for example at the end of the bounce when the kinetic energy is deceasing the o will appear to bounce faster, although it will just be because it is bouncing less. 

here are 7 key frames from the sequence, this give you an idea of the sequence from start to finish. i like the way in the sequence the o's kinetic energy has been portrayed. In comparison to the previous sequence i prefer this one for its simplicity, but it was equally as effective. in demonstrating the word bounce. 

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