Monday 16 January 2012

Bounce Sequence 3

For this sequence i am not going to just use the o as the focus i am going to try use the letters in sequences of 3, to simultaneously bounce in different directions. The format of the import is the same with each letter being on the same layer, this allows be to move each letter.

showing the layers, like in after effects, i uses different colours to distinguish between them. 

again i could key frame consistently through out each set of three, this will allow the letters to move at the same time. 

For this sequence the two sets of letters bounce from off the screen, they are going in opposite directions. This will hopefully create some interesting visuals.  i think it is important to keep the speed and scale identical. to create visual consistency. 

this image just shows the identical key frames through out the individual three letter sections. w

the two frames above, show how the two sections of words enter the frames. they will continue to bounce back off the centre point of the composition. i have used the centre point, in which the word bounce will eventually settle, is because the eye will automatically be drawn there. 

here you can see the movement in which each letter took, this is the line of movement through out the two sets of words. by holding shift you can keep the line of position straight. 

again an example of the movement of of position, with each key frame. as the bounce energy got shorter the key frames got less time between. as you can see below.its relatively consistent until the end points. 

This is the bounce end frame, the productions uses opacity before the end of the clip to appear between 4 and 5 seconds. 

Here are 6 of the key frames from the 3rd clip. I think this has not been as successful as i wanted, i think this would have been improved by not using sets of letters but using the letters and moving them individually and making them more inconsistent to create a better more interesting visual outcome. 

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