Friday 19 October 2012

Organic Fast Food.

The idea behind this brief is to create a chain of organic fast food restaurants.. i have decided to take a different approach to the stereotypical organic fast food restaurant.. the statement of intent, and concept for the restaurant is shown below.

what sets the concept apart from the your stereotypical organic restaurant, is the lack of fluffy, feel good strap lines or produce, taking a blunt approach allows me to design blunt and to the point. think heavy type and minimal packaging. creating the restaurants USP in itself.

Logo Development.

As explained earlier, the logo needs to take a blunt, matter of fact stand point, this should be reflected in the design of it.. heavy type no image, is how i imagine the identity of the restaurant, as a result this will put extra emphasis on the choice of type face. The typeface needs to work across a range of mediums, from packaging to signage.

This typeface is beginning to portray the right tone of voice, i like the way the o is perfectly circular, which embodies the organic nature of the restaurant, however i do also think the type is still a bit to decretive, especially when analysing the i's. 

using helvetica would perhaps be to neutral, there needs to be slight a slight aggression in the in the identity to deliver the message effectively.  

This typeface is to ornamental. 

I like the more stretch nature of this tpeface. 

Open publication - Free publishing - More devlopment

Above is the logo development for the original food company.. i focused on three main typefaces, arial, franchise and knockout. the layout of the logo follows the ethos of the company, very simple and to the point. with the only decorative part being a single line across. this just helps to break the logo up, and makes the legibility improve. due to the simplicity of the logo, the logo can be broken up and the identity of the company will no be lost.

This is the initial final logo for the original food company, using arial, i initially thought this gave the blunt, matter of fact perception i wanted for the fast food chain. using arial bold as the body of the logo, with arial light below. 

As i began to develop the identity it became apparent that the feel of the logo was to neutral and, i needed more imapact in the text to give the desired effect.  

As a result of this i began developing the logo using the franchise bold. This typeface allowed me to push forward the straight forwardness of the brand. however there was an issue with the the typeface only having one weight, as a result i had to find one to complement it. this came in the form of knockout. with a very simliar anatomy, This will allow me to push the identity further, using one of two typefaces through out the entire id. from menus to shop fronts.

Grey scale logo. As a logo i now believe it effectively communicates the tone of voice i have been trying to obtain through out the design process. I can imagine the the brand image to follow this bluntness in delivery, with minimal packaging etc. 

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