Friday 12 October 2012

Latvia Identity.

For the fish and chips brief i am creating the identity of latvia, and promoting it as a tourist destination for british tourists. I am going to start this process by designing the logo. when creating the identity for a country it is important to identify through extensive research(design context) what gives the country it's identity. I have discovered so far for latvia that the country gets its identity from its unique coinage and amber as an export.

Logo development 1

Taking the shape of 1 lat, and a random shape of amber i intent to develop an identity that embodies some of the uniqueness of latvia as a country. Although the shape is not the perfect shape of amber, it will enable me to develop a an interesting visual. using repetition and duplication. I will start the process using a pen and paper..I think it is important to make sure the final identity is not to corporate, as latvia as a country needs to appeal to visitors, and thus must have an approachable feel. Whilst i don't want to follow the trends of some of the logo shown below, and make the tone of voice to happy and somewhat cliché. 

following a more argentina, slovakian design is what the aim is. 

Design 1 

First logo sketch, appeared to much like super man, and gave the wrong tone, as well as not really sticking to the guideline i have previously set. 

It is important to make the design process here as accurate as possible as this will make my designing easier when applying it digitially. This i am starting with the perfect shape of the coin. 

Again trying to push the the 3 dimensional variations of the logo, however the roataion in this case has not worked. 

I like the way this process is beginning to look its starting to create a strong image that, is overlapping nicely and as a result will create a 3d effect using gradient. I can also being to duplicate this process, to create a more effective image. 

duplicated using tracing paper and a pen. 

This i think this is the strongest of the images and potentially logo. i will now look to re create this in illustrator.  

This drawing, over complicated the image, and also began to make the image as a whole look to much like a diamond or stone of some kind. 

Digital Development idea 1

This is is the initial digitalisation of the potential log, i think it is a strong image, however i am concerned about how abstract it is currenlty and thus it may need reevaluating. I will put a gradient on it, to create a 3dimensional effect. it may also begin to look to corporate. 

With the grey scale gradient applied you can see how the logo will being to look. i will now add colour from my inspiration, that of the amber. Taking a swatch from the picture feauted above. 

example of the colour swatch, the colours as well as being from the amber, are warm and relatively inviting colours, something that needs to be the case when designing for tourism.

This is the completed image for this current idea, i think it is a visually appealing logo, however i think it gives to much of a corporate feel. and doesn't really give latvia a strong enough identity as a country, as result i have decided to go back to the initial stages of the development. 

Design 2

Following on from the initial development of a logo, i have decided to focus else where on the inspiration for the identity for latvia. I am going to put more empathises on the diverse environment of latvia, as well as its natural beauty. I want to create and identity which is both approachable and sleek. the design process for this logo is shown below.  

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Here you can see the final logo development for the latvia identity, the logo is based around the diverse range of natural environments found with in latvia as a country, as well as keeping amber as inspiration. the design process, was relatively simple using the blend tool. the kept the integrity of the tree rings as well as the finger print. The leave shape came later on. The logo itself i think has been successful and highlights well the the natural identity the country has. The colour scheme again was taken from aspects of the country, which adds to the legitimacy of the logo, something that i think is important. The typography used on the logo, is what i will now use through out the project, and it gives a friendly organic feel. The ideology beind the lines on the image is all about identity, an environmental organic identity that i believe best represents the country.  

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