Tuesday 23 October 2012

Organic Fast Food Shop Fronts.

I am trying to develop the the identity systematically for the organic fast food company.. starting from the the outside, and working in, with the packaging being the predominate focus.

What i wanted to achieve with the shop fronts, is keeping the ethos of simplicity, type heavy design. This allowed me to move away from the fluffiness of your stereotypical organic fast food restaurant, to try and appeal to your less health conscious customer. The reason for this being, it opens a larger demographic of consumers. If your organic restaurant has the perception of not really being organic and serving universally enjoyable, to the point food, there will be a large range of customers, and thus a higher level of profit, and it is this that needs to demonstrated in the design. which is the reason for the text heavy, minimal  to the point packaging approach.  

Here you can see the starting point for the the shop frontage for the original fast food company. This would be the most basic of layouts, however i don't believe this fits in with the ethos of the company.. i want to incorporate heavier type.. ** this is before the logo was changed to franchise.. and knockout. I think although the design direction of this project is minimal to the point and typographic. there will need to be some colour with in the identity, as i cant forget the identity will also need to attract visitors.

This is an alternative shop frontage... here i beginning to play with strap lines. the strap lines i want to be represenataive of the ethos.. straight to the point. whilst incorporating the organic nature of the food.. with out making it fluffy... " fresh,unadulterated,original food" is what i am working with here.. avoiding the use of the word organic i think is important. from a design perspective this is still in the early stages of design. and will be developed further.  

Again beginning to play with heavy type, and looking at alternative typographic layouts... i think it is important to realise that the type cant take up more than 50% of the window.. i think as a customer you would find that somewhat disconcerting not being able to look into a restaurant.

"food without the added bull sh**t"

As a strap line it defiantly pushes forward the point,  to strongly for commercial usage.. however what i do like is the layout.. its beginning to to give the straight forward image i have been looking for.. i have also some of the the companies statement of intent.. which adds better balance to the design.  

This shows the addition of the ethos.. however, the layout still needs work.. with the leading being far to much in this case.. the type needs to make more of an impact.. to attract the onlooker think bigger bolder..

this is the same layout. however with a changed strap line.. which i think works better.. something that will be highlighted in the first progress crit..the more opaque original food in the back ground i think adds almost like layers to the design, which i like..

This is using the changed typeface for the first time.. after the identity was changed.. you can see how the typeface adds a certain strength to the delivery.. it is now just about getting the weightings correct... and finding the correct layout.. i currently think i am being to safe with the design.. also a lacking of colour.. could be considered and issue. i dont want the over all identity.. to be to industrial.. which it could turn into with out colour.

here you can see i am starting to develop the layout more.. breaking up the words.. may look more pleasing on the eye.. however.. but takes away from the bluntness of the delivery... which is important.. i do like the addition of the line.. as this allows the name of the company and the statement to be a separate entity in a way... it also adds more of a flow to the layout of the window display.

taking the name off the door makes the image of the exterior cleaner.. its important not to over branding.. the restaurant..

Example of the typographic layout as it stands, the readability is the main issue. and i need to come up with other ways of making the restaurants indentity to the point but also visually appealing. however what is improved is the weights use of the two typefaces as well as the general typo necessities leading etc. 

Here i am simply beginning to look at colour for the first time.. i think it will be important to get a strong colour scheme for the identity.. of the restaurant.. as i will be using minimal colour through out.. and will simply be using colour to highlight flavours etc.. i don't think it is crucial for the colours be associated with food.. i think the food at the restaurant will be associate with the colour. if you see a pink.. fluorescent.. it could be an un related drink etc.. however through the identity of the colour.. it will have the association..

eample of the layout/colour close up.

example of how the ethos reads.. i am now going to look at an alternative typographic layout.. to try and embody the matter of fact delivery.. tone of voice.. with the use of a chosen swatch colour..

This is without doubt the most successful design so far.. the typography is bold.. and draws attention with out losing readability... and the required tone of voice.. The lines in different weights add movement to the piece.. which i think will attract the potential customer to its appearance.. using strap line. from with in the statement of intent.. allows a simple but effective in communicating message.. of the ethos. i have dulled down the colour swatches.. to represent a more old school... traditional .. homemade(home cooked) feel to the restaurant.. which is still visually strong.

close up of the new layout..reads much better than previous layouts.. and allows a more interactive feel to the identity.

again a closer look.. seeing how the type fits together nicely, to create a bold but clean final image..

the other window.. follows the same trend.. however with this there needs to some alteration to the company name..it needs to be moved up in line with the food.. the leading could also be slightly reduced.
looking at alternative colours.

Friday 19 October 2012

Organic Fast Food.

The idea behind this brief is to create a chain of organic fast food restaurants.. i have decided to take a different approach to the stereotypical organic fast food restaurant.. the statement of intent, and concept for the restaurant is shown below.

what sets the concept apart from the your stereotypical organic restaurant, is the lack of fluffy, feel good strap lines or produce, taking a blunt approach allows me to design blunt and to the point. think heavy type and minimal packaging. creating the restaurants USP in itself.

Logo Development.

As explained earlier, the logo needs to take a blunt, matter of fact stand point, this should be reflected in the design of it.. heavy type no image, is how i imagine the identity of the restaurant, as a result this will put extra emphasis on the choice of type face. The typeface needs to work across a range of mediums, from packaging to signage.

This typeface is beginning to portray the right tone of voice, i like the way the o is perfectly circular, which embodies the organic nature of the restaurant, however i do also think the type is still a bit to decretive, especially when analysing the i's. 

using helvetica would perhaps be to neutral, there needs to be slight a slight aggression in the in the identity to deliver the message effectively.  

This typeface is to ornamental. 

I like the more stretch nature of this tpeface. 

Open publication - Free publishing - More devlopment

Above is the logo development for the original food company.. i focused on three main typefaces, arial, franchise and knockout. the layout of the logo follows the ethos of the company, very simple and to the point. with the only decorative part being a single line across. this just helps to break the logo up, and makes the legibility improve. due to the simplicity of the logo, the logo can be broken up and the identity of the company will no be lost.

This is the initial final logo for the original food company, using arial, i initially thought this gave the blunt, matter of fact perception i wanted for the fast food chain. using arial bold as the body of the logo, with arial light below. 

As i began to develop the identity it became apparent that the feel of the logo was to neutral and, i needed more imapact in the text to give the desired effect.  

As a result of this i began developing the logo using the franchise bold. This typeface allowed me to push forward the straight forwardness of the brand. however there was an issue with the the typeface only having one weight, as a result i had to find one to complement it. this came in the form of knockout. with a very simliar anatomy, This will allow me to push the identity further, using one of two typefaces through out the entire id. from menus to shop fronts.

Grey scale logo. As a logo i now believe it effectively communicates the tone of voice i have been trying to obtain through out the design process. I can imagine the the brand image to follow this bluntness in delivery, with minimal packaging etc. 

Friday 12 October 2012

Latvia Identity.

For the fish and chips brief i am creating the identity of latvia, and promoting it as a tourist destination for british tourists. I am going to start this process by designing the logo. when creating the identity for a country it is important to identify through extensive research(design context) what gives the country it's identity. I have discovered so far for latvia that the country gets its identity from its unique coinage and amber as an export.

Logo development 1

Taking the shape of 1 lat, and a random shape of amber i intent to develop an identity that embodies some of the uniqueness of latvia as a country. Although the shape is not the perfect shape of amber, it will enable me to develop a an interesting visual. using repetition and duplication. I will start the process using a pen and paper..I think it is important to make sure the final identity is not to corporate, as latvia as a country needs to appeal to visitors, and thus must have an approachable feel. Whilst i don't want to follow the trends of some of the logo shown below, and make the tone of voice to happy and somewhat cliché. 

following a more argentina, slovakian design is what the aim is. 

Design 1 

First logo sketch, appeared to much like super man, and gave the wrong tone, as well as not really sticking to the guideline i have previously set. 

It is important to make the design process here as accurate as possible as this will make my designing easier when applying it digitially. This i am starting with the perfect shape of the coin. 

Again trying to push the the 3 dimensional variations of the logo, however the roataion in this case has not worked. 

I like the way this process is beginning to look its starting to create a strong image that, is overlapping nicely and as a result will create a 3d effect using gradient. I can also being to duplicate this process, to create a more effective image. 

duplicated using tracing paper and a pen. 

This i think this is the strongest of the images and potentially logo. i will now look to re create this in illustrator.  

This drawing, over complicated the image, and also began to make the image as a whole look to much like a diamond or stone of some kind. 

Digital Development idea 1

This is is the initial digitalisation of the potential log, i think it is a strong image, however i am concerned about how abstract it is currenlty and thus it may need reevaluating. I will put a gradient on it, to create a 3dimensional effect. it may also begin to look to corporate. 

With the grey scale gradient applied you can see how the logo will being to look. i will now add colour from my inspiration, that of the amber. Taking a swatch from the picture feauted above. 

example of the colour swatch, the colours as well as being from the amber, are warm and relatively inviting colours, something that needs to be the case when designing for tourism.

This is the completed image for this current idea, i think it is a visually appealing logo, however i think it gives to much of a corporate feel. and doesn't really give latvia a strong enough identity as a country, as result i have decided to go back to the initial stages of the development. 

Design 2

Following on from the initial development of a logo, i have decided to focus else where on the inspiration for the identity for latvia. I am going to put more empathises on the diverse environment of latvia, as well as its natural beauty. I want to create and identity which is both approachable and sleek. the design process for this logo is shown below.  

                        Open publication - Free publishing - More development

Here you can see the final logo development for the latvia identity, the logo is based around the diverse range of natural environments found with in latvia as a country, as well as keeping amber as inspiration. the design process, was relatively simple using the blend tool. the kept the integrity of the tree rings as well as the finger print. The leave shape came later on. The logo itself i think has been successful and highlights well the the natural identity the country has. The colour scheme again was taken from aspects of the country, which adds to the legitimacy of the logo, something that i think is important. The typography used on the logo, is what i will now use through out the project, and it gives a friendly organic feel. The ideology beind the lines on the image is all about identity, an environmental organic identity that i believe best represents the country.  

Tuesday 9 October 2012

What i wanted to achieve with picking the briefs for this porject, was homing in on my what i discovered during the summer break... that was having a passion and understanding for branding and identity. thus a vast majority of the briefs i have chosen focus in on this. I also wanted to leave the briefs quite open as this would give me the option to explore a vast range of outcomes and really push the boundaries of how far people interact with the brand(thinking big). i felt ISTD gave all these things, they also allow research heavy briefs which will broaden my knowledge of the subject matter.