Wednesday 28 September 2011

What Is Good-Workshop 1

The purpose of this work shop was to get us thinking laterally about our chosen concept, my concept being:

Good is... The red Telephone Box and the national identity it gives Britain. 

Using this as our starting point we were then asked to develop thoughts around questions such as: 

-What makes it good?
-Who would find it good?
-Who wouldn't find it good?
-What is it better than?
-If your good was a profession what would it be?
-If your good was a celebrity what would it be?
-If your good was a place where would it be?
-If your good was an event what would it be?
-If your good was a product what would it be?

These were my initial design sheets, we were asked to come up with 5 answers to each of the categories:

We were then asked to Choose one from each category that we thought was the most thought provoking and relevant to our chosen topic. 

As a task we were asked to then develop our 9 topics, giving reasons why and then link either a brand, or identity or logo to each one....

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