Wednesday 28 September 2011

What is Good-Workshop 1 task

What makes it Good?

-National Identity- the only country in the world with a distinctive style of phone box, recognisable all over the world, as British. Technology and design that has stood the test of time, giving Britain identity.

Who would like it?

-Call Girls- call girls find the phone box good as it is an accessible place for them to advertise, as well as giving potential customers the necessary technology to book their services.

Who wouldn't like it?

- BT- British telecom are responsible for the running and maintenance of all of the UK phone boxes, however less of that a 1/3 of them are profitable, as a result they are starting to remove them from the streets.

What is it better than?

-Mobile phones- The phone box gives you a cheaper alternative to mobile phones, when calling internationally

If your good was a profession what would it be?

-The pub landlord- as a profession the phone box fits the bill, the ideology behind the pub is a very british thing, like the phone box the landlord gets spoken to a lot hearing peoples worries etc. The pub also has drunks pissing in the corner of it.

If your good was a celebrity who would it be?

-Kate Moss- If the phone box was a celebrity it would be kate moss, its design is beautiful, unique however people speak at it, no one listens to it, As well as having longevity. She is also the Rimmel face of London.

If your good was an event what would it be?

-Speed Dating- As an event the box would be speed dating, making reference to constant stream of conversation the phone has to listen to.  These conversations are all had with in time constraints, like the financial constraints of of the phone box.

If your good was a place?

-Internet Chat rooms- This again is all about communication, and not being able to see the person you  are speaking to, you could also reference sex chat rooms, making reference to the conversations had to call girls, spoken about earlier.

If your good was a product?

-Twinning Breakfast Tea- Something that is quintessentially British,   and carries connotations with communication, having tea is associated with conversation and gossip?

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