Tuesday 26 April 2011

What is a line-Developiong a typeface.

I began by analysing the map and taking certain sections of it that had potential, for certain bits of the anatomy of type, here is an example of looking for a bowl.

You can see how the grid reference is always included. It is difficult to imagine any  of these shapes as a bowl, however as the typeface develops, shall editing occurs, although, it has to be obvious where the certain piece of type came from.

The next stage was simply start creating letters, and develop ideas from there.

As you can see, it is important for the typeface to develop over time, as the visual results at first were not strong. 

Its here you can start to see good visual consistency using this blue reference as the stem, and it is this that i began to develop forth along the green (italic) stem.  There also became apparent, a gap in every letter, which was an interesting concept, but staying true to rules i set, if most letters had this, every letter had to. i believe it created a strong outcome in each letter, setting it apart. 

There are two main sets of type that kept re occurring throughout the process, examples of each are shown below.

This as a the begingins of a type face, was to inconsitant, although keeping more in truth with the spradicness of the drawn lines on the map, it was visually unapealing. THrough out you can still see however how i have used at least two different pieces from the the map for each letter form. The italic like stem used through out didn't work with all letters as a result, i began looking for a more upright stem. Which is shown below. 

Here you can see the first trail of what would form the basis for my final piece, the stem is much more upright and gives the letters consistency and strength. The bowl stays constant throughout. 

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