Monday 11 April 2011

Communication is a virus-Website

The initial idea for this project, was to get people that turned off Facebook, for the said day, to upload videos and photos to this website, of what they got up to instead of Facebook. From this these uploads we would of created a viral video. Using this video to highlight alternatives to Facebook. We wanted to create an amusing and different way of highlighting the alternative to Facebook. Especially as what we are really bringing to light is quite heavy stuff(self esteem issues, depression).
However after having a crit with Jo early on in the project, we had to re evaluate the idea. As using the internet for this project, could only encourage people to use Facebook. As a result we moved away from the idea, and worked on the paper based format, of highlighting the event and negative effects.

As you can see, whilst designing the website, we again stay true to the colour scheme's. Along with the closest typeface used to the official Facebook one. We created a website that easily to use, and that would not over power the audience with huge amounts of depressing information.
As a whole i believe, we made the right decision getting rid of the website, due to the potentially hypocritical nature of using the internet. However creating a viral video i think would have been a strong way of approaching the project, and what we were trying to communicate.

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