Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Summer Breif.

During the summer, we were asked to create a type face that represented you as a person, or represented a specific aspect of your personality.
The type face that i created evolved around the strap line 'you are what you eat'.
As a result of this i decided to create a type face out of the food i consumed over a 2 week period of the summer holiday. I would also match each individual food to the letter that the specific started with. for example, p was represented by pizza.
what did this show about me as a person? i guess that i eat a large variety of food, and accourding to the NHS i eat far to many carbohydrates than the recomended amount.
As a typeface thae final outcome seemed to me, to work well creating strong individual images, and a intresting 26 letter typeface.
However there were some weak links, for example i think the o, represented by oranges does not create a good looking image, and stands out when the 26 letters are put togeather. in contrast i especially like the way that the B represented by banana create a bold and effective image.

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