Monday 27 September 2010

The Final Map

The final map shows an idea of the routes taken from two specific halls, liberty park and royal park, represented by different colours, on the completed map, all the routes would be highlighted, which are represented by the symbols seen before.
this post also shows the examples of the extra info used on the map. the specific colour styles used were used due to there ability to catch the eye and make that generally more interesting to look at.

How to... final posters.

We decided to create posters to help market the map. The images on the posters are that of the symbols used on the map(simple, and globally recognised.)
the strap lines.."wheres my milk" adds a more personal effect to the map, something that i think makes it more appealing. Where these posters are located, we came up with the idea that particular maps are also located with it, so if you see a poster with a milk carton on it, you could be located to your nearest shop... to find your milk?

Ideas For The Final Outcome.

The basic idea for the final outcome was to produce a map, that would be distributed to freshers starting the leeds college of art and design. Where this would differ from other maps, trying to do the same thing is that it would be more personalised for a specific group of people. This would be done by focusing on a group of people living in specific halls around the town, so if it was to be distributed, it would be distributed to the halls and handed out by them. This makes the map:
A. more personal 
B. easyer to use for the specific students, as it focuses on the land marks around them, and the specific routes that should be taken for them.
C. we also decided that the map should be an info sheet, which meant that the format it would be in would be a fold out map. in 8 sections. this would share info on things that a student would need, club nights, taxi numbers, shortcuts to certain places. etc. 

Development of ideas to come....

Landmark Research

To further our development, the group decided to take photos of landmarks that would need to be include in the map itself. We decided that we would need to come up with suitable symbols to use on the map, that represent the landmarks that students would need. supermarkets, pubs, college.etc

Getting lost further development

As the project began to develop through our research, we began to look at different ways in which getting lost could occur, instead of the typical physically lost in the street, for example mentally lost.
Although we came up with what as a group we thought were stronger ideas for the issues of being mentally lost, the decision to what i final project would be was given to another group with in the set, as this would make it more relevant to the student body in which the project was representing.
And the idea of mapping the important routes and info that students would need became our focus.

Research began to focus towards looking at existing maps for ideas, as well as flyers for design ideas, as at this stage we wanted to create a map that was hand rendered in the way it looked, but did not lose any of the info that the map needed to obtain.

How to...avoid getting lost.

The early stages of the project evolved round finalising an idea based around the concept of getting lost, and helping freshers at the university of art combat the problem of being in a new city with new landmarks etc.

we started the at the intial development stage mind mapping certain specific problems and solutions that may occur to our target audience. 
then narrowing down our research to five main potential projects.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Summer Breif.

During the summer, we were asked to create a type face that represented you as a person, or represented a specific aspect of your personality.
The type face that i created evolved around the strap line 'you are what you eat'.
As a result of this i decided to create a type face out of the food i consumed over a 2 week period of the summer holiday. I would also match each individual food to the letter that the specific started with. for example, p was represented by pizza.
what did this show about me as a person? i guess that i eat a large variety of food, and accourding to the NHS i eat far to many carbohydrates than the recomended amount.
As a typeface thae final outcome seemed to me, to work well creating strong individual images, and a intresting 26 letter typeface.
However there were some weak links, for example i think the o, represented by oranges does not create a good looking image, and stands out when the 26 letters are put togeather. in contrast i especially like the way that the B represented by banana create a bold and effective image.